Welcome to Nirmal Province Jagdalpur
Carmelites of Mary Immaculate
We belong to the CMI congregation, the Congregation of Carmelities of Mary Immaculate the first indigenous religious congregation of India, which had its beginning in the first half of the 19th century. It grew out of the intense God-experience in Christ of the founding fathers – Thomas Palackal (+ 1841), Thomas Porukara (+1846) and St. Kuirakose Elias Chavara(+1871; beatified on February 8, 1986) – who were priests of the then Vicariate Apostolic of Verapoly, Kerala, of the Apostolic Church of St. Thomas Chrisians in India. Under the paternal direction and guidance of the Vicar Apostolic, Bishop Maurilius Stabilini, these men of God started a spiritual movement at Mannanam on May 11, 1831. Jacob Kanianthara, a pious layman, shared the inspiration of the founding fathers and assisted them in the foundation and growth of the congregation (Constitutions and Directory, The Carmelites of Mary Immaculate, 1993, Article 1, p.1). On December 8, 1855, on the day of the feast of Immaculate Conception, the first eleven Fathers made their profession of religious vows. Thus the Congregation was canonically erected, and St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara was appointed the first Prior.
Our Inspiration
st. Kuriakose Elias Chavara
“Wisdom and purity should be spiritual food, like food for natural growth”
St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara is our inspiration who founded the first Indian indigenous religious Congregation, the Carmelites of Mary Immaculate (CMI). Kuriakose (Cyriac) Chavara was born in 1805, of pious and devout Catholic parents, in Kainakary, Kerala, India. He was ordained priest in 1829.
167 Members
12 Institutions
16 Houses
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